Monday, 27 January 2014


  A.     Tawaduk
1.     Pengertian Tawaduk
Secara harfiah, tawaduk berarti merendahkan diri, yaitu suatu sikap rendah hati dan tidak berlaku sombong terhadap orang lain terutama terhadap kedua orang tua.
2.     Ciri – ciri orang yang tawaduk
a.         Bersikap sederhana
b.        Merendahkan hati
c.         Bicara dengan sopan / lemah lembut
d.        Tidak sombong
3.     Cara menumbuhkan sikap tawaduk
a.         Menyadari asal kejadian manusia
b.        Selau bersyukur atas segala nikmat Allah
c.         Menyadari bahwa manusia saling membutuhkan satu sama lainnya
Bagi manusia yang senantiasa bersikap tawaduk akan mendapat balasa dari Allah swt., yaitu berupa surga dan akan kekal didalamnya.

   B.     Taat
1.     Pengertian taat
Secara bahasa, taat berasal dari lafal Ta’a atau Ata’a yang artinya patuh. Sedangkan secara istilah, taat merupakan suatu perilaku atau perbuatan yang patuh dan taat terhadap segala peraturan yang ada. Ketaatan yang utama bagi orang mukmin adalah ketaatan kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya.
2.     Cara menaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya :
a.       Meyakini bahwa perintah Allah dan rsaul-Nya adalah wajib untuk ditaati
b.      Melaksanakan segala perintah-Nya dan meninggalakan segala larangan-Nya
c.       Mematuhi hukum – hukum yang telah ditetapkan
d.      Mencontoh perilaku Rasulullah saw (Sunnah Rasul)

   C.      Qanaah
1.     Pengertian qanaah
Secara bahasa qanaah artinya merasa cukup atau rela. Sedangkan menurut istilah, qanaah adalah perasaan seseorang bahwa ia telah merasa cukup dengan apa yang dimiliki. Dengan kata lain, qanaah berarti mnerima apa yang telah dikaruniakan oleh Allah kepadanya atau berpikir positif terhadap pemberia Allah kepadanya. Dan juga kita harus tetap berikhtiar dan bertawakal kepada Allah, karena Allah memberikan anugerah itu berdasarkan ukurannya.
2.     Ciri – ciri sikap qanaah
a.       Menerima dengan rela apa yang ada pada dirinya
b.      Berusaha dan memohon kepad Allah tamabahan rezeki.
c.       Menerima dengan sabar segala ketentuan Allah
d.      Tidak tertarik oleh kemewahan dunia yang dapat menyesatkan
e.       Bertawakkal kepada Allah
3.     Fungsi sikap qanaah
a.       Mendorong seorang muslim berjiwa besar
b.      Mendorong seorang muslim menjauhkan diri dari sifat serakah
   D.     Sabar
1.     Pengertian sabar
Sabar bisa diartikan tahan uji, tahn menderita, tabah, tekun dan tidak mudah putus asa serta maksimal dalam berusaha. Sabar tidak sama dengan pasrah. Perbedaannya terletak pada usahanya. Pasrah adalah sikap menyerah terhadap keadaan tanpa melakukan usaha.
2.     Macam – macam sabar
a.       Sabar dalam berbuat
b.      Sabar dalam menghadapi cobaan
c.       Sabar dalam menahan amarah
3.     Ciri – ciri orang sabar
a.       Tahan menunggu waktu, apabila belum saatnya
b.      Tahan menerima cobaan, baik itu musibah maupun kekayaan
c.       Berusaha untuk selalu menghilangkan hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan, selalu kita berserah diri (tawakkal) kepada Allah.
d.      Tidak mudah putus asa dan tidak suka mengeluh.
4.     Manfaat sikap sabar
a.       Dapat menjadikan orang bersifat teliti, tahan, berhati-hati dan tidak tergesa-gesa dalam mengerjakan sesuatu, serta tidak cepat putus asa meski banyak halangan dan rintangan
b.      Menjadikan seseorang mempunyai keyakinan yang kuat.  Karena itulah orang yang sabar pasti percaya bahwa apa yang diinginkan akan tercapai

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


A.Pengertian Shalat

Secara bahasa, salat artinya do’a. Sedangkan menurut istilah, salat berarti suatu ibadah berupa ucapan dan perbuatan yang dimulai dengan takbiratul ihram dan diakhiri dengan salam sesuai dengan syarat dan rukun tertentu.

B. Ketentuan Shalat Fardhu

1.   Rukun Sholat
a.      Niat
b.      Berdiri (bagi yang mampu)
c.       Takbiratul Ihram
d.      Membaca surah Al-Fatihah
e.      Rukuk disertai tumakninah
f.        Iktidal disertai tumakninah
g.      Sujud 2kali disertai tumakninah
h.      Duduk diantara 2 sujud disertai tumakninah
i.        Duduk tasyahud
j.        Membaca tahiyat / tasyahud akhir
k.      Membaca sholawat nabi
l.        Mengucapkan salam
m.   Tertib

2.   Syarat wajib shalat
a.      Isalam
b.      Suci dari haid atau nifas (khusus wanita)
c.       Berakal sehat
d.      Baliq atau dewasa
e.      Tidak tertidur

3.   Syarat sah shalat
a.      Susi dari hadas kecil dan besar
b.      Badan,pakaian, dan tempat harus suci dari najis
c.       Menutup aurat
d.      Menghadap kibalat
e.      Mengetahui waktunya shalay

4.   Sunah – sunah shalat
a.      Mengangkat kedua tangan saat takbiratul ihram
b.      Melihat ke arah tempat sujud
c.       Membaca do’a iftitah
d.      Membaca taawudz sebelum membaca surat al-fatihah
e.      Membacah surat pendek atau Al-Qur’an setelah membaca surat al-fatihah (pada rakaat pertama dan kedua)

5.   Hal – hal yang membatalkan shalat
a.      Meninggalkan salah satu rukun shalat
b.      Meninggalakan salah satu syarat shalat, seperti berhadas atau terkena najis
c.       Makan dan minum dengan sengaja
d.      Segala sesuatu yang keluar dari lubang depan dan belakang

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Basa Ngoko Andhap (Ngoko Alus)

Wujude :
Tembung kanggo awake dhewe migunakake basa ngoko. Tembang kanggo wong ke loro lan wong ke telu. Migunakake basa krama inggil. Tuladha :
1.      Aku mangan, bapak adus => Aku mangan bapak siram
2.      Bapak turu, aku adus => Bapak sare, aku adus (Ing krama madya dadi : Bapak sare kula adus)
Manut unggah – ungguh basa jawa, kebagi dadi loro yaiku :
1.      Basa Ngoko, dipilah dadi loro yaiku :
a.      Basa Ngoko Lugu :  Basa ngoko kabeh ( lajur 1 )
b.      Basa Ngoko andhap / Ngoko alus : Basa Ngoko, kecampuran basa krama inggil (lajur 3) lajur I + III. Kanggo wong sing di ajak guneman (wong ke II) + sing di omong (wong ke III)
#) Tuladha :
Ibu menyang kantor => Ibu tindak kantor
Bapak mangan lonthong => Bapak dhahar lonthong
1.      Basa Krama Alus
Tembang – tembang kanggo wong ke siji (Awake dewe), nganggo basa madya (lajur II), tembung – tembung kanggo wong ke II lan ke III nanggo lajur ke III (krama inggil).
#) Ngoko lugu : Ibu tuku beras ing toko numpak sepedha
                         : Ibu mundhut wos wonten toko nitih sepedha


A.      How to make
Example procedure how to make

1.    How to make fried noodles

Materials Needed:
● Two slices of bread
● Something inside (fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, a sausage, etc.)

● First, boil two glasses of water in a pan.
● Then, open the package of Indomie fried noodles.
● While waiting for the water to boil, pour the seasoning: chili sauce, soya sauce and oil into a bowl.
● After the water is boiled, drain the noodles.
● Next, throw away the water.
● Then, pour the noodles into the bowl.
● After that, mix the noodles with the seasoning, sauce, and the other ingredients.
● Now, your noodles are ready

2.    How to make a lemon tea

● A glass of tea
● Two spoonfuls of sugar
● Ice cubes
● A slice of lemon tea
● Make the tea a bit strong because when you add the lemon it will get thinner.
● After the tea is ready, squeeze the lemon according to your own taste.
● Add some ice cubes, and your iced-lemon tea is ready

3.    How to male meatballs

Ingredients :

1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)
2 eggs
300 grams of tapioca-flour
4-8 cloves of garlic
1 red onion
1 teaspoon of white pepper
2 teaspoons of salt
Steps :

First of all,mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
Second step, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.
After that, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.
Then, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
Next step, start rolling the mixture into small meatballs.
Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface the meatball are ready to serve

B.    How to use
1.     How To Use Blender
Steps :
1.      Choose a flat, dry surface on which to operate your blender.

2.      Put the blender together. Place the blades in the retaining ring, then set the gasket over the blades and inside the ring.
3.      Screw the retaining ring firmly to the bottom of the pitcher. Be sure the retaining ring is seated correctly or you will have a leak.

4.      Set the pitcher onto the base and plug the blender in.

5.      Put the recipe ingredients in the pitcher. Put lid on firmly.

6.      Use the Ice or Chop setting to make milkshakes, smoothies or frozen drinks.

7.      Make baby food by adding a small amount of liquid to a cup of fruit or vegetables and blending it for 15 seconds on the Puree setting. Five seconds on this setting also will smooth out lumpy gravy.

8.      Take advantage of the Pulse setting to make bread crumbs, grate chocolate, chop vegetables and make cracker crumbs.

9.      Add food to the blender through the secondary lid while the blender is running.

10.  Clean the pitcher after each use. Put a little bit of dishwashing detergent in, add enough water to fill it halfway, put the lid on, and run the blender - with lid on - on a low speed for a few seconds.

11.  Rinse the blender thoroughly. Take it apart and dry off the blades.

2.    How To Use Refrigerator

Steps :
1.      Check that the refrigerator is in good working order and the temperature is set to at least 40 degrees, which is the recommended setting for most items. Ensure all shelves and spaces are clean and the door and light are functioning before use.

2.      Keep all the contents of the refrigerator in separate drawers or on different shelves. This will help limit the chance of things becoming contaminated and keep the space organized and user friendly.

3.      Clear out foods every few days, discarding those with a limited shelf life or things that are past their date. Many items in jars or cans are only safe to use for a few days after opening so throw these out if there is any doubt about when they were opened.

4.      Clean your refrigerator on a regular basis (at least every two weeks) paying special attention to the bottom shelves for things that may have dripped or fallen. Clear up spills as soon as they occur to prevent mold and stickiness.

5.      Be energy efficient by keeping the door closed as much as possible and not allowing the temperature to rise above the recommended amount. Always close the door firmly and check that the seals around the door are pressed firmly together.

3.    How To Use Hand Mixer
Steps :
1.      Choose a powerful model. You will more than likely only use your hand mixer to make cake mixes but it's still handy to have a powerful model. That way, if you decide to make cookie dough, but don't feel like fooling with your stand model, you have enough power to handle the job.
2.      Make sure there are a variety of different settings. A model that is powerful, but doesn't have enough settings, will sling food all over your kitchen. Choose a model that has at least 5 speeds.
3.      Look for a model that has a resting feature. When using a hand mixer, there may be times when you need to stop mixing and add ingredients or answer the phone. With a resting feature, you can easily prop the mixer onto the side of the bowl, without having it fall over.
4.      Look for a hand mixer that has various attachments. Some brands come with regular beaters as well as dough hooks and an attachment to make whipped cream. This allows you to use your hand mixer for several different recipes.
5.      Stay put: If you have a stand model, stick with that brand. If you love your stand mixer, find a model that is made by the same company. This helps ensure that you'll buy a model that you'll enjoy

4.    How To Use Printer
Steps :
1.       Make sure that your printer is hooked up properly before using it. If this is a brand new printer then it will go through a check and print out a test page for you. A lot of different times you can just turn it on, you will hear the ink moving around. Something might come up on the computer telling you that the printer is on and working properly.
2.       Open the page you want to print. If you are on the Internet and want to print something from there. All you have to do is go up to file, then down to page set up. This will give you more printing options to choose from. When you are done setting up the page you can verify you have the right printer hooked up by clicking on "Printer" at the bottom. Once everything looks good click on "OK" and now your page should print out.
3.       Open up a ".doc" file if that is where your page is that you need to print. When you are ready to print go up to "File" and "Print Setup". Again you can choose how you want your page to look, and check and make sure the right printer is installed. If your page is set up the way you like it you can just click on the printer icon on the tool bar or go to "File" then "Print."
4.       Using a printer a lot over time will start to wear down your ink supply. Some models of printers let you know when your ink supply is getting low. If you have an older printer you will just have to go by what the printed page looks like. If it is very worn and faded then it is time to install a new ink cartridge.

C.    How to do
Tips for Healthy Living
     Modern life is very busy. Most of us are very busy every day. Many people rush off to schol r work without eating breakfast. This is a mistake. Breakfast is a very important meal. Eat a healthy breakfast every day. Also, it is better to have four or five small meals every day than one or two large meals. Exercise is also important to staying healthy. Again, it's something that people skip because of lack of time. You don't have to do a lot of exercise. Experts say that you only need to run or even walk three times every week. This is enough to keep you healthy. Another good thing about exercise is that it makes people feel good.

D.    How to get

Ratna : Hi, do you know where is the location of SMP 1 Yosowilangun?
Silvia : Of course, that is my school. Hmmm… Do you know Yosowilangun market?
Ratna : Yes, I know.
Silvia : Yeah, my school beside that market.